Filming Day 5

On the 8th October 2017 Ceri and I completed another filming session with this time just our dancers. Gaining from what we tried in Filming Day 4 Ceri and I continued to alter the lights when we felt necessary and use the dolly (tripod on wheels) to continue filming. Ceri and I were more wary of filming the dancers as we knew this could be more difficult and possibly create more problems than filming our artist.

The filming session was successful, Ceri and I worked through any problems we encountered and filmed shots we were happy with. We did not change any aspect of the dancers dress or makeup as we were happy with the styling originally, as it fits the genre and feel of the song. Similar to when filming our artist we filmed a lot of a shots a couple of times, altering position and lighting each time to create the best shots we could. Operating the dolly was also developed during this session as we tried different methods of using this to create the best shots. This also allowed us to meet our draft feedback of shooting better shots of the dancers, that follow the dancers, are tighter shots and include more movement within the video.

Overall we are very happy with the footage we gained from this shoot and will continue to use the same methods for our final day of filming.



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