Filming Day 3

On Wednesday 26th 2017, Ceri and I completed another day's filming. We finished off our final shot of the video, and then re-filmed some elements of the dance performance.

We have chosen to re-film some of the dance elements, changing from our planned story board as we wanted different options while editing. We both felt and have received audience feedback that some sections of the dance look very stationary and still, creating a less interesting scene for that section. For re-filming we have changed the placement, angles and movement of the camera, which added more shots into the sequence creating a different perspective, look and feel.

As with our previous days shooting we have kept everything the same, allowing continuity in our video and helping our video to look more professional. This was our last shooting session before creating our draft video. Once receiving audience feedback from this we will re-film and improve any shots necessary. Overall Ceri and I are very happy with the progress we have made and are ready to make any suggested improvements.   


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